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The finest-quality THC & CBD cannabis topicals New Mexico has to offer.
Good vibes can be skin deep
R. Greenleaf
The Verdes Foundation
$28.00 $19.60
The Verdes Foundation
$28.00 $19.60
R. Greenleaf
The Verdes Foundation
$30.00 $21.00
Finely-Crafted Topicals
With their refreshing hints of lavender, peppermint and orange, their easily-absorbed texture, and their anti-inflammatory properties, these two topicals have become game-changers for many of our patients at Everest.
THC vs CBD cannabis topicals, what’s the difference?
More often than not, cannabis topicals combine some ratios of THC and CBD; such as 1:1, 2:1 or 3:1, 10:1, etc. Which should you choose depending on your needs? Our experienced team of cannabis curators recommend: ‘‘Select topicals with more THC for pain relief. But, if you’re looking to reduce inflammation, CBD topicals are your best bet.’’
Shop our tightly-curated assortment of THC and CBD cannabis topicals including salves, balms, creams, lotions, ointments and more.
What are the benefits of using cannabis topicals?
Widely sought after for reducing pain and inflammation, cannabis topicals are a faster-acting and more focused delivery method. Reason being, the cannabis used in topicals gets absorbed into the bloodstream at a reduced rate than when you smoke cannabis or eat an edible. This means the overall effects of topicals are typically felt exactly where they’re applied, so there’s absolutely no THC-related high linked to using cannabis topicals.