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Heyday 510 Cartridge

Intended Use: Inhaled Product

Directions for Use: Remove rubber cover from bottom of the cartridge and attach it to battery. Store upright in a cool, dark place away from children

Ingredients: Distillate, Botanical Terpenes

Solvent Used: Ethanol

Manufactured by: Everest

Manufacturer RLD License Number: CCD-VICE-2021-0032-MANU-001

Pesticides Used in/on the product by the cannabis producer: IPM, Zerotol, Isarid, Azaguard

Potential Pesticide Usage: Milstop SP, Double Nickel LC, Regalia CG, Rango, OxiPhos, Cease, Venerate XC

Warning statement: “This product is not approved by the FDA to treat, cure, or prevent any disease. FDA has not evaluated this product for safety, effectiveness, and quality. There may be long term adverse health effects from consumption of cannabis, including additional risks for women who are or may become pregnant or are breastfeeding.

The New Mexico Poison and Drug information phone number: 1-800-222-1222


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Texico Recreational

202 N State St Texico, NM 88135

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