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Everest Delivered My Cannabis and I’m Never Turning Back

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Everest Apothecary’s Delivery service started out during COVID-19 as a response to increased demand, here is the experience you get as a customer.

There is nothing more satisfying than clicking a few buttons and having something delivered to your doorstep. In the pre-COVID world, the only time you could get something delivered in Albuquerque was when you ordered food. In a post-COVID world, you can get marijuana delivered to your doorstep. 

Did you hear that? You can literally sit at home, order your medicine from your computer, and never have to leave your house to pick it up. Okay, that was a bit of a lie. You WILL have to leave go to your front doorstep to sign the receipt, but I digress.

Check out Everest’s Delivery Video Below:

I feel like there are two types of people during this pandemic, the ones who are working (and feel so grateful that they’re able to work, that they are working overtime to prove their worth to their team/company or growing their personal business) and the ones who are not (shout out to all of you that have been making masks and making the most of this time). 

I fall into the former in fact, so much so that I currently have a semi-permanent indent of my chair pattern in my butt. That being said, I NEED some cannabis but don’t seem to have the time to GET said cannabis. I saw an email from Everest Apothecary about their cannabis delivery and decided I had nothing to lose. I tried it out so you don’t have to. I’m going to go over the entire process so you know what to expect. Hold on to you Pantalones because it’s about to get….

Incredibly Simple.  

I am not a paid sponsor. I am just an individual who either doesn’t have a lot of spare time or has terrible time management skills (I’ll let you be the judge). Either way, I needed something that was simple, easy, and convenient. Below, you will find the 10 steps I experienced when ordering my medical marijuana delivery. I hope this outline gives you a better idea of what to expect when you order online from Everest Apothecary. 

  1. Delivery Menu: The delivery menu from I Heart Jane was easy to maneuver. I like to stick to 1:1 CBD: THC strains because I have low tolerance, and I was able to find the high CBD strains quickly. I was even more excited to see that one of their new CBD dominant strains, B4 was also available. Initially, I was bummed when I scrolled through the edible options and couldn’t find a 1:1 so I added a 200 mg chocolate bar (more on that later).
  2. Add To Cart: I added everything to my cart and made sure to add in my FREE ½ gram pre-roll. Everest is constantly offering different promotions for those using the delivery service. Who am I to say no to a free pre-roll?! 
  3. Decision to Order: I’m a cart camper. I put hundreds of dollars of items in my online carts and then I let it sit them sit for an undisclosed period of time until I forget about them. I put items in my Everest cart a few days before I actually ordered. Big mistake, this was the most simple online delivery I’ve ever done. 
  4. Delivery Time: You get to pick your delivery time slot. ARE YOU LISTENING, PAPA JOHNS? Everest isn’t here to play games with you. They aren’t going to make you guess when your order will be delivered, they’re waiting for you to tell them when to deliver it. Talk about convenience. It was about 3:30 when I ordered and I chose to have it delivered between 5:00 and 6:00 pm (that was the earliest option).
  5. Enter Information: You can order online even if you’re not a current Everest patient. All you need is a photo of a government-issued ID, and a front and back photo of your medical card. They do remind you that if the address they’re delivering to is different than what’s on your ID, you will have to provide proof of residency. AKA you can’t get your medical marijuana delivered to your friend’s house, just your own. 
  6. Debit or Credit: You don’t pay until you receive your order. They don’t take cash (I mean, who has cash these days anyways? Sigh… we miss you, bartenders) but, you can pay with any debit or credit card. 
  7. Delivery Tracker: You know when you order Dominoes and then you get to watch the updates live on your computer? Well, guess what. Everest Apothecary has the same thing. I watched as they verified my identification, prepared my order, and then sent it out the door. For someone claiming to be as busy as I did earlier, was this worth watching the tracker fervently? Perhaps not, but while in a pandemic…
  8. Quicker Delivery: As soon as my order was verified, I received a text confirmation and a phone call from my new friend, Marc. He told me that he got my order and wanted to know if I wanted him to drop off my medicine even earlier. “HELL YES I DO, MARC!” I told him excitedly. He told me he would be there around 4:20 pm (I know, the irony). He also double-checked my order, I told him I would have loved to order a Pax Pod vape along with the green apple 1:1 cartridge. (The Pax Pod is one of the coolest vape pens I’ve ever seen. You can control your temperature, dosage, and more from an app on your phone. Plus it’s incredibly discrete.) Do you know what Marc did? He was able to customize my order and switch my total so that I got the pax pod, the cartridge, and the B4 flower. That is what I call customer service!
  9. Discretion: I live in a condo with a bunch of 60-70-year-old conservative busybodies that still believe marijuana is a gateway drug so I didn’t want my new friend Marc pulling up in a delivery car that screamed: “I AM GOING TO SMOKE THIS” since my nosey neighbors would see it and complain that I was ‘using drugs’ in the condo. (Karen, you don’t want to come across me in the elevator if I’m on a high anxiety level and I don’t have my medicine. I will rip your wrinkly old ear off with my teeth and I won’t even feel bad about it.) Thankfully, Marc informed me that their deliveries are discrete. The cars are unmarked and the entire process is incredibly low key. My medicine even came in a brown sandwich bag. For all they know, Everest Apothecary could just be delivering a special snack. 
  10.  Accurate Delivery Time: At about 4:10 pm, I received a text message alerting me that my order was 10 minutes away. I put on my mask, grabbed a squirt of my hand sanitizer, and walked downstairs. At 4:20 on the dot, Everest called me to tell me what car to look for. Marc and his delivery buddy get out of the car. We say our pleasantries through our masks as they double-check my ID and my medical marijuana license. They swipe my card, hand me my receipt and we parted ways. 

I was able to go from ordering to receiving my order in less than two hours. I didn’t have to leave my house and more importantly, I didn’t have to take more than a 5-minute break from working to pick up my order. This delivery service is convenient, simple, and incredibly discrete. I cannot wait to finish my medication and do another online order. This is the first time I will not be cart camping. See you soon, Marc!!

Check out Everest’s Delivery Video Below!

Texico Recreational

202 N State St Texico, NM 88135

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