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Halloweek | October 27-November 2

Enjoy Medicated Crispy Treats for Only $6 Beginning Saturday, October 27, stop into any Everest Apothecary and pick up a 50mg Creepy Krispy Treat from Herbal Edibles for just $6. Offer valid through Friday, November 2 or while supplies last! Limit four per visit. Then, join us on Halloween, October for 31, for our regular Wax Wednesday specials with… Continue reading Halloweek | October 27-November 2

Alibi Feature: BABY STEPS – Plants and concentrates at Everest

Our Everest staff loves the opportunity to educate people about our all-natural and hydroponic operations. We invited Alibi reporter Joshua Lee to tour the Everest Apothecary grow with our cultivator Darren to learn about our all-natural and hydroponic grow. In his recent Alibi article, Lee writes about his day on the Everest farm and gives his review… Continue reading Alibi Feature: BABY STEPS – Plants and concentrates at Everest

Texico Medical

202 N State St Texico, NM 88135
